New Features

We've added a MATCHING system!  You'll have to update your existing profile first so that you specify what you'd like in a partner.  Once that is done (and other people do it too), you'll start to see a match percentage on profiles you look at.  This will take awhile as it requires other members to update as well.  To update your profile, login to the site, click PROFILE on the menu at the top.

We've added integration to Facebook.  You can now connect your profile to facebook and even invite your friends.

You now have the ability to mark a user as "your friend."

We've added a mutual friends options -very similar to facebook.  When reviewing someone on it will show you people who have mutual friends.

We've added blogs!

We've added classified ads! We need some category suggestions for those.

We've added google maps to group events so your members will easily see the location for meeting up.

We support IE8 webslices now!

New privacy settings as well.  You can now pick a privacy level for your profile, photos, videos, and blogs.  The available levels are Everyone, Registered Users Only, Friends Only, and Friends and Friends of Friends.

Update your profile and enjoy the new features!